The goals of the St. Patrick’s School Sports Program include the following:
- To have each student be the best athlete they can be;
- To develop a sense of good sportsmanship
- To promote team and school spirit.
In an effort to achieve our goals and work cohesively as a team, attendance at all practices and games is vitally important. On an occasion when an absence is unavoidable, a note or email to the coaches is a courtesy that would be appreciated.
- Excused absences:
- Illness
- Family Emergency
- Family Obligation
- Unexcused absences:
- Detention
Students must attend school in order to participate in a practice/game. Exceptions may be made if the absence is prearranged and approved through the coach. Example: High School shadowing, funeral attendance, family obligation, doctors appointment.
If a student is excused from physical education class for medical reasons, he/she may not participate in a practice or a game for the duration of the medical excuse.
As a participant of the St. Patrick’s Sports Program, I agree to conduct myself according to the following rules/expectations:
- I will adhere to all regular school policies as outlined in the current St. Patrick School handbook.
- Social Media- Any electronic or digital comments directed toward another individual, team or school that could be seen as unsportsmanlike, threatening, or hurtful will result in immediate disciplinary action.
- The first violation will result in suspension from that sports for a period of time to be determined by St. Patrick’s Sports Coordinators. I will also result in the serving of a school detention.
- The second violation will result in complete removal from the team for that season as well as disciplinary action to be served in school.
- Disciplinary/detention policy- Our student-athletes are expects to model good character at all times whether on or off the field. Participation in athletics is a privilege. Student-athletes should be aware at all times that they not only represent their respective sport, but that they also represent St. Patrick’s School. The following policies outline the consequences for student-athletes who commit disciplinary infractions during the season.
- Detention- The student may not participate in practice or games on the day they are serving detention.
- Missing practice because of detention will result in the player missing a portion of the following game.
- Out of school suspension- Student will be required to miss 1 week worth of games and practices. More than one out of school suspension will result in the dismissal from the team.
- Detention- The student may not participate in practice or games on the day they are serving detention.
- I will be on time to all practices and games. Failure to do so will affect playing time.
- I am aware that I must attend school, arriving no later than 3rdperiod in order to participate in that day’s sports.
- I will dress properly for all practices and games with all necessary equipment. Failure to do so will affect playing time.
- I will not get involved in any horseplay before, during, or after practice/game.
- I will respect the rights and property of my team members; I will not make fun of or criticize other members of my team, nor will I in any way bother their belongings.
- I will do my best and will not make excuses when things do not go well.
- I will display good sportsmanship during practices/games, showing respect for the officials, coaches and players.
Trying out / Registering for a Team-
As a potential participant in the St. Patrick’s Sports Program, I agree to conduct myself according to the following rules/expectations when trying out for a team.
I understand that:
- By choosing to try out for a team, the rules set forth in this Code of Conduct apply during the process of trying out.
- I must have evidence of a current physical before I can participate in tryouts.
- It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a clearance card from the nurse and submit it to the sports coordinators before the try out/ registration date.
- I am expected to attend all tryouts to be considered for a team.
- If I do not make a team, I may seek out a coach by appointment only so that I can seek suggestions for improvement, but I should accept the decision with integrity and dignity.
- If I do not make a team, neither the administration nor the sports coordinators will overturn the coaches’ decision.
Policies Regarding Parents-
As a parent of an athlete participating in the St. Patrick’s Sports Program, I agree to conduct myself according to the following rules/expectations:
- I will support my son/daughter by getting them to practices/games on time.
- I will support my son/daughter’s teammates by cheering for them at games.
- I will encourage my son/daughter to talk to the coach on their own behalf before I make contact.
- When I have concerns regarding my son/daughter I will contact the coach and/or coordinators and set up appointment to discuss these concerns. Parents should not approach a coach regarding these concerns in front of the team or other parents.
- Despite my understand, experience, or expertise of a particular sport. I will not attempt to supersede the coach’s decisions or authority.
- I will be a role model to my son/daughter in regards to sportsmanship. I will treat officials, coaches, players, and other spectators with respect and I will refrain from using inappropriate language.
- I understand that if I do not adhere to these rules and expectations I will asked to no longer be a spectator at any St. Patrick’s sporting events.