FAST (K-5) | Golf (K-8) | Soccer (6-8)
Cross Country (6-8)
Shamrockettes (K-4)
Basketball (6-8) | Bowling (6-8)
FAST (K-5) | Golf (K-8) | Lacrosse (6-8)
Baseball (6-8) | Softball| (6-8)
Girls Volleyball (6-8)
Mission statement
The St. Patrick’s Sports Program is committed to providing an enjoyable and educational experience for all players involved. Our program employs healthy competition that promotes Catholic values among student athletes. These student athletes are encouraged to have fun, play hard, and always show good sportsmanship. Every attempt is made to put each team member in a position to experience success. Our goal is to support the children, coaches, and families in all matters relating to sports and to make this an enriching experience for everyone involved.