St. Patrick’s School Sports plays in the CMSAA League.
St. Patrick’s School Baseball Details:
- Registration closed March 9, 2021.
- All spring sports will begin practice in the second week of April, weather permitting.
- There will be no transportation provided to practices and games.
- It is recommended that families do not carpool. If necessary, everyone in the car should be masked.
- Home games and practices will take place at Manor Field Park, Huntington Station.
- Uniform pants must be provided by the player.
Each player must bring their own water and ball.
No parents allowed in school during practice.
Masks to be worn at all times when not engaged in play.
Social distancing protocols will be practiced whenever possible.
All questions can be directed to Mrs. Borum or Mrs. Karman
by emailing or calling 631-385-3311 ext 237.
Consent Terms – Read
Student Athlete & Parent Code of Conduct – Read
Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement – Read
All fees and purchases are non-refundable, no exceptions, including but not limited to, individual cases of COVID-19. The only instance a refund would apply, is if season is cancelled.